AppliCad Roofing and Solar Planning Software
AppliCad has a world wide reputation for developing the best roof estimating
software. This is as much to do with our customers as it is the company's
vision. AppliCad's customers provide input to what functions the software
needs to perform and that challenges the AppliCad team to make the software
the need. AppliCad is arguably the most innovative company in the business
having invented some of the processes that roofers now take for granted.
Yes it is true, AppliCad wouldn't be anywhere without the input from the customers
who are the drivers for change. Listed below are the software modules for
various roof systems and products.
Software that Works! - for every roof and solar system.
Solar Wizard
(for all solar system planning)
SolarWizard is a 3D modelling program that calculates solar radiation and shadows on a 3D model of the client's structure and helps determine the optimum location of solar assets such as PV arrays and solar thermal equipment. Given the ready availability of aerial image libraries to the construction sector, accessible via the web and from specialist vendors, the re-designed image digitising tools in the new AppliCad Solar Wizard enable every consultant, contractor or installer to prepare accurate client proposals from the desk without the need for an expensive site visit, at least until a commitment from the customer has been received. Combining this functionality with the new shadow analyser and the solar radiation calculator allows solar industry professionals to prepare very detailed client proposals at the initial stage without leaving their desk.
The high performance report generator then connects all the calculated data and images to report, using various options for display in the MS Word or Excel templates defined by the operator.

Roof Wizard
(for all roof systems, commercial or residential)
The Sorcerer software provides professional roofing contractors and estimators with a complete suite of tools for roof modelling, estimating and presentation in three dimensions - developed to handle all your estimating needs in one integrated program - BUR and single ply roofing materials, architectural metal and tiles, shingles or slate. Low slope, steep slope, commercial or residential.
Product Overview - Product Features
Product Overview
Understand why the AppliCad roofing software is the most advanced product in the world.
Our detailed Product Bulletin provides an overview of the features and how they help your business.
This Product Overview explains in substantial detail how the AppliCad
Process helps you take control of your business.
Calculate the Cost Benefit of Automation
Ever wondered how much money technology can save you and your business? Having trouble justifying the investment in software or software training? Why don't you click on the link below? It will take you to our "Investment Return Calculator". It demonstrates very clearly how automation of your estimating department does save time and time is money and the benefits flow through the entire organisation - to Inventory, Accounting and Installation.
This little application will demonstrate how much our software can save of your estimator's time and what that represents in dollar terms. You will be amazed. Indeed, it shows that the investment in the right software will pay for itself in a matter of months - even just a few weeks for a busy office, and that is just in terms of hours saved. Add material cost savings and it really is a 'no-brainer'. (Investment Return Calculator)